Options for Buttons

Explore the top choices for card buttons and quick reply buttons in this comprehensive guide. Make informed decisions for your messaging strategy.

There are 4 main option for buttons:

  • Action: Allows you to direct users to another content node, capture data, start workflow, escalate to live agent, perform API integration, embed content and other custom events
  • Website: Directs the user to a website.
  • Phone: Initiates a call
  • Microsite: Allows you to display content that is richer and more complex than text, e.g. tables, charts and interactive elements

Note: Only the action option is available for Quick Reply buttons.


Jump to Content: Allows you to direct the user to another content node. 

  1. After you add a button, click on ‘Action’, followed by ‘Jump to Content’. 
  2. The Action field will display ‘goto’. 
  3. In the Data field, either select the content node from the list or type to search for the content node you would like to display. 
  4. Click on the tick on the header bar to save the content node.

To learn more about Jump to Content, please view the video below:

Capture Data: Allows you to capture data from users.

  1. After you add a button, click on ‘Action’, followed by ‘Capture Data’. 
  2. The Action field will display ‘capture’. 
  3. Key refers to the attribute that you want to measure. 
  4. Select from either User Input, Text, Number, or Boolean. ​​​​​​​For full details, refer to Capture Data Types. 
  5. Click on the tick on the header bar to save the content node. 

Start Workflow: To start a particular workflow.

  1. After you add a button, click on ‘Action’, followed by ‘Start Workflow’. 
  2. The Action field will display ‘startflow’, 
  3. Enter the Flow ID. 
  4. Click on the tick on the header bar to save the content node. 

Escalate to Agent: To escalate the chat to a live agent.

  1. After you add a button, click on ‘Action’, followed by ‘Start Workflow’. 
  2. The action field will display ‘handover_router’, 
  3. Click on the tick on the header bar to save the content node. 

API Call: For API integrations

  1. After you add a button, click on ‘Action’, followed by ‘API Call’. 
  2. The Action field will display ‘callApi’, 
  3. In the Mapping field, search for the API integration you want, and select it. 
  4. Click on the tick on the header bar to save the content node.

Embed Content: Allows the bot to open an iframe web window to direct users to a certain URL, or to use a web widget. 

  1. After you add a button, click on ‘Action’, followed by ‘Embed Content’. 
  2. The Action field will display ‘$display’, 
  3. Under the Type field, enter ‘iframe’. 
  4. Enter the URL. 
  5. Click on the tick on the header bar to save the content node. 

To learn more about Embed Content. please view the video below:

Custom Event: This requires the use of the advanced edition, and is an advanced section to be filled in by KeyReply developers. This is not recommended for use by the Dashboard user. 


Website: Allows you to direct the user to a website.

  1. After you add a Button, click on ‘Website’. 
  2. Enter the Website URL in the text box. 
  3. Click on the tick on the header bar to save the content node. 

To learn more about directing a user to a website, please view the video below:


Phone: Allows you to add a phone number to perform an outbound call.

  1. After you add a Button, click on ‘Phone’. 
  2. Enter the phone number in the text box.
  3. The phone number must contain the ‘+’ prefix, country code, area code, and the local number. For example, +6597478375. 
  4. Click on the tick on the header bar to save the content node. 

To learn more about directing user to making a call, please view the video below:


Microsite – Allow you to show content that is more complex than texts, e.g. tables, charts, and other interactive elements.

  1. After you add a Button, click on ‘Microsite’. 
  2. Select a web page from the dropdown list.
  3. Refer to Create a Web Page to learn how to create a web page.
  4. Click on the tick on the header bar to save the content node. 


Email: Allows the user to launch their mail client to send an email

  1. There is a way to activate end user’s default mail client for them to send an email. The trigger point will be from a button (or text): In text message, use the hyperlink method [text](mailto:email_content) In button, select “Website” beside Action, and fill in the “Website URL” field with: mailto:email_content   email_content
    • For email content, you can define the email address to send to, cc, bcc, subject and body.
    • Replace space between words with “%20” and line break with “%0D%0A”
    • Use ? for the first parameter delimiter and & for the subsequent parameters delimiter
    • Read up more here: https://www.rapidtables.com/web/html/mailto.html
  • Here’s an example:
    • mailto:jiapeng@keyreply.com?subject=This%20is%20TEST%20EMAIL&body=welcome%20to%20KeyReply%0D%0AI%20want%20to%20speak%20to%20Jia%20Peng